Customers Review

لقد استوفى توقعاتي، شراء ممتاز ونموذج رائع يمكن حمله في أي مكان. يدعم العديد من الأنظمة ويمكنك تعديل نماذج الألعاب والمحاكيات إذا كنت مطورًا. شكرًا على المنتج والتحسينات، يرجى إضافة ذاكرة إضافية للألعاب الإضافية.

Very good display, fast performance and good custom firmware. Recommended, very cheap, top price performance

أعجبني الشراء بالفعل. تمكنت من لعب العديد من الألعاب بكفاءة، ويذكرني تصميمه كثيراً بجهاز Game Boy، وهو ما يعجب الكثيرين ممن يفضلون هذا النمط. الصورة واضحة جداً والشاشة سريعة الاستجابة. في رأيي، كانت هذه شراء موفق.
صالح اسماعيل

Excellent, spectacular, best cost impossible. It has its full functions and very easy to play ne

Excellent quality, well packed console. Hard cardboard box. Works perfectly, very cool thing!

Very top this retro video game, arrived very fast and came all correct, seller is to be congratulated, recommend

Very good already bought several very simple add more games Twell PSP wheel with good performance until smooth wheel

أداء البطارية وجودة الصورة والصوت جيدة أيضًا. الذاكرة المدمجة مستقرة إلى حد كبير، والألعاب كثيرة، وحجم الجهاز صغير، مما يجعله ممتعًا للعب أثناء حمله في جيبك. والمظهر أنيق جدًا.

Great little system, has a ton of games, I think it’s running on Emuelec, it’s super easy to acess Retroarch, it’s comfortable in the hands,the games all seems to play without issue (I even played Crazy Taxi on Dreamcast cast) The only one drawback I see is that the D pad is pretty stiff. It’s a good unit just about anyone. You can take it out of the box and play games.

I love it completely ~ It’s just when you’re at speed. The quality is also good good ~ ~ ^ ^ It’s hard.

My childhood in a small box. the view of the screen is very beautiful and perfect from all angle
. It plays all games smooth with no lag

Amazing quality! Comes very well packed, the screen surprises and the design too. I used the card more than a week and it did not corrupt, but I have already exchanged it for another, I recommend the exchange. Comes with more than 15000 games from various platforms. It takes about 2:30 hrs to charge and the battery lasts about 5hrs depending on the games. Very good!!
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